Josho Means Never Defeated

Excellence in Service
Honesty is always the best policy here! We strive to provide excellence in both our service and repairs to our customers. We do this by taking pride in our workmanship. We realize that to be successful in this business we need the confidence and trust of our customers. We want to keep our customers happy and fully satisfied by providing them with honest and reliable service at a fair price.  Tomo Hanzaki has over 25 years of experience as an auto mechanic.

Family Operated

Josho Auto is Family operated, meaning your car will be in safe hands. Tomo Hanzaki, specialist for Josho Auto, personally works on every vehicle. Whether it is an oil change, a tune-up, or an repair, Tomo personally addresses every problem. Tomo Hanzaki has years of experience working on the highest quality cars.

Appointments: We do recommend calling us ahead of time for all major repair jobs. We do this so that our customers can reduce their waiting time, arrange alternate transportation (if needed) and better plan their day. Of course walk-ins are ALWAYS welcome!

Warranty: We guarantee the workmanship of all our jobs. In addition, certain parts carry a manufacturer warranty varying from 30 days, 90 days or 1 year depending on the item replaced. We will stamp your invoice with the appropriate warranty. We use only quality parts to minimize problems with defects and so your car can perform at its best!

Our Fees: Our fees are LOWER than the local car dealers, but slightly higher than the surrounding garages.  However, we have the most modern equipment to properly repair your vehicle and ensure longevity. We only use quality parts! Cheaper parts may keep the price down, but it is only short lived before it needs replacement.